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Is it really finished?

What a Sunday! What a Week End! So intense and full of emotions and moments of sharing!

Yes, I know: we worked hard on doing preludes, cadences, improvising and continuously trying to connect to the movement of the horses, maybe sometime adapting, sometime pushing.

But we didn’t just develop technical skills.

The thing that fulfill my heart so much is to see how much everyone committed themselves in trying hard to find the connection! Commitment. Here is the key word!

This is the thing that makes the difference! It is not enough just to do things that are required.

Commitment means a lot of things: maybe it happens when you decide to do an extra rehearsal to learn Schmelzer Balletto a Cavallo! Or maybe when you accept to come half an hour before because the bus on Sunday is not every 30 minutes, or also when you decide to bring your instrument in this strange environment and tune it half a tone lower.

When you accept to do a SOLO prelude in front of everyone, … and also when you accept to help one of your colleague/friend in a difficult moment.

This is making such a difference! Commitment becomes the spark that fire the experience.

And what an experience…

Thank you all so much for this Commitment!

So, is everything finished?

Well,… not from our side: every time is a new beginning, and we will go on organising these kind of workshops, trying to help people to open doors to new perspectives, being aware that the difference will be done just when we commit to something.

The rest is in your hands. We hope this experience will help everyone not to wait for someone else to do the first step!

All the best wishes to everyone!


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